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商务英语900句-2 产品介绍

发表于 2009-7-28 12:40:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 southgua 于 2009-7-28 12:42 编辑

Unit 2 产品介绍

31. This model of typewriter is efficient and endurable, economical and practical for middle school students.

32. The computer we produced is characterized by its high quality ,compact-sized, energy-saving and it’ also easy-to-learn and easy-to-operate.

33.They are not only as low-priced as other makers, but they are distinctly superior in the following respects .

34. You will get a 30% increasing production upon using this machine and also it allows one people to perform the task of three people.

35. This product will pay its own way in a year.

36.This machine will pay back your investment in 6 month.

37.The new type of suitcase card designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.

38.This kind of bicycle can be folded in half and handy to carry around ,especially useful during traveling and traffic jams.

39.The maximum speed of this kind of variable speed bicycle is 30 K/H .

40.These machines have few breakdowns and easy to maintain because of their simple mechanical structure.

Compared with other brands, this kind of tyre cost less per mile and wear much longer due to its topnotch rubber.

42. This kind of tyre is characteristic of nonskid stop on wet road.

43.This material has a durable and easy-to-clean surface.

44.This kind of air-conditioning system is practical and economical for the needs of your company.

45.Our products are as superb quality as well as the typical oriental make-up.

46.Our silk garments are made of super pure silk material and by traditional skills.

47. The garments are magnificent and tasteful and have long enjoyed great fame both at home and aboard.

48.As our typewriters are made of light and hard alloy they are both portable and endurable.

49.The hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and various the kinds and the styles in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country.

50.As our products have all the feature you need and 20% cheaper compared with that Japanese made ,I strongly recommended to you.

51.Vacuum cleaners of this brand are competitive in the international market and are the best- selling products of their kind.

52. “Forever” multiple speed racing bicycles are sure to be sellable in your market.

53. Owning to its superior quality and reasonable price our silk has met with warm reception and quick sale in most European countries.

54.We feel that our product is the best kind in Asia and we can very well compete against Japan in price.

55. Our goods are greatly appreciated in other markets similar to your own.

56.By virtue of its super quality ,this product is often sold out in many areas.

57.Our products are superior in quality and moderate in price and are sure to be sellable in your market.

58.These items are most sellable in our market.

59.There have been a steady demand in our market for this kind of toy.

60.We have the pleasure in recommending you the goods similar to the sample you send.

发表于 2009-7-28 13:09:28 | 显示全部楼层
 楼主| 发表于 2009-7-28 14:13:46 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-6-25 19:16:56 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-7-3 11:28:23 | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 2010-7-3 17:45:53 | 显示全部楼层
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